A place where you feel like yourself again

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I’m currently on Maternity Leave, but will be back at the bench soon. Take a look around—if we’re a good fit, leave your email, and I’ll let you know when I’m back! Questions? Use the form on the contact page, and I’ll get back to you soon.

At its core, Chinese Medicine teaches us how to live in rhythm with nature, thereby in rhythm with ourselves. This medicine developed over thousands of years by observing Nature. As humans we are not separate from the natural world, we are one mere fabric of it. As we observe our external conditions, we learn about our internal ones and vice versa. Everything that happens outside happens within us. As above, so below.

As the universe is always expanding and contracting, we are as well. We are living Microsystems of larger Macrosystems that we cannot be separated from. We are holistic beings and thus we require a holistic approach to harmonize our mind, body and spirit.

At Attar Acupuncture, I believe we all have a right to feel at home within ourselves. I take a gentle and intentional approach with this medicine. We are inundated with messages and reasons of why we are not enough. My cozy little space is a container for reminders. A reminder of who you know you are, without the film and chaos of daily life. You don’t have to heal perfectly. In fact, I think that is a myth anyways. I believe in slow medicine because our bodies receive it better. Slow medicine does not necessarily mean slow results. If anything, I think the results you are reaching for come faster and more sustainable with slow medicine. It is important to give ourselves grace. We cannot have the yang without the yin. We must rest in order to integrate and reap the benefits of our activity. Using a yoga example, part of the magic in yoga is the savasana, the corpse pose at the end - the results come quickly because we integrated all the work and effort we put in.

Each person is incredibly unique. In Chinese Medicine, we do not treat diseases on their own. We treat patterns of disharmony that give rise to disease. We take into account your constitution and its relationship with your current and past environments to align you with what your body already knows how to do - heal. Acupuncture is just little messages and guidance. The body is profound in its inherent healing mechanisms and complexity.

Ready to schedule an appointment?

Please call or text (301)-655-7617 or click below to schedule online.

If you are curious if Chinese medicine is a good fit for you, please contact me by phone or email at sarah@attaracupuncture.com to schedule a short complimentary consultation

Make space for yourself